Minimally invasive procedures to help alleviate pain and get you back on your feet. Cool Springs Foot Care offers the best Podiatrist services in Franklin, TN.

Minimally Invasive Surgery
MLS Laser
Swift Wart Therapy
Shockwave Therapy
Onyfix Treatment

Patient Resources
Explore Cool Spring Foot Care’s patient resource page for important information and seamless access to scheduling appointments, paying bills, requesting medical records, and more.
Google reviews
Meet Dr. Reeves
Dr. Lance Reeves is a triple-board certified surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive procedures. He has seen incredible results of reduced post-operative pain, a sooner return to normal activities, and an increase in patient satisfaction by using this approach. He started Cool Springs Foot Care to share this with the Franklin community.
Featured article
Conservative Treatment Measures
A Step Towards Healthy Feet At Cool Springs Foot Care we are dedicated to helping you understand the value of non-invasive and preventive approaches to foot care. Many foot conditions and injuries can be effectively managed with conservative methods, and in this article, I’ll delve into some of the most common ones. Orthotic Devices Orthotic …